Thursday 5 November 2009

Journal of King Abdul Aziz: Islamic Economics

Bagi rekan-rekan yang sedang membutuhkan referensi penelitian, skripsi, tesis, maupun disertasi, kami menyediakan jurnal international di bidang ekonomi islam yaitu Journal of King Abdul Aziz University: Islamic Economics. Jurnal tersedia dalam bentuk PDF (full text). Di bawah ini daftar judul jurnalnya. Untuk pemesanan dan informasi lebih lanjut hubungi atau 085225918312

Tersedia juga jurnal IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, Islamic Economic Studies, International Journal of Islamic Financial Services, Review of Islamic Economics, Iqtishad, La Riba, Journal of Islamic Business and Economics, Proceeding 6th International Conference on Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Kami juga menyediakan skrispsi, paper, jurnal terbitan dalam maupun luar negeri yang sedang anda butuhkan. Bidang ekonomi islam maupun ekonomi konvensional semua tersedia. Kami siap mencarikan dan mengirimkannya.

Vol. 1,1989
• Comments on Profitability of Islamic PLS Banks Competing With Interest Banks: Problems and Prospects by Shahrukh Rafi Khan.
• Comments on The Financial System and Monetary Policy in an Islamic Economy by Zubair Hasan
• Role of Booty in the Economy during the Prophet's Time by Muhammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqi
• Tax-Farming and Resource Allocation in Past Islamic Societies by Murat Cizakca
• The Financial System and Monetary Policy in an Islamic Economy by Mohsin S. Khan and Abbas Mirakhor
• Towards an Interest-Free Islamic Economic System by Waqar Masood Khan

Vol. 2, 1990
• Book Review Towards a Just Monetary System by John R. Presley and A. J. Westaway.
• Factors of Production and Factor Markets in Islamic Framework by M. Fahim Khan
• Mudarabah in Non-Trade Operations by S. M. Hasanuz Zaman
• The Humanomic Structure of Islamic Economic Theory: A Critical Review of Literature in Normative and Positive Economics by Masudul Alam Choudhury
• Towards Abolishing the Rate of Interest in Contemporary Islamic Societies by Mukhtar M. Metwally
• Comments on Zakah, Moderation and Aggregate Consumption in an Islamic Economy by Zubair Hasan

Vol. 3, 1991
• Book Review Unlawful Gain and Legitimate Profit in Islamic Law: Riba, Gharar and Islamic Banking by S.M. Hasanuzzaman.
• A Qur’anic Model for a Universal Economic Theory by Mohammad E. Biraima
• Access to Finance and Collaterals: Islamic Versus Western Banking by Abdel Hamid Abdouli
• An Agenda for Muslim Economists: A Historico-Inductive Approach by Salim Rashid
• An Historical Approach to Islamic Pricing Policy: A Research on the Ottoman Price System and its Application by Orhan Oguz and Ahmed Tabakoglu

Vol. 4, 1992
• Book Review Theoretical Studies in Islamic Banking and Finance by M. Ali Khan
• Book Review Towards Interest-Free Banking by Ziauddin Ahmad
• Debt and Equity in a Primary Financial Market: A Theory with Islamic Implications by Seif I. Tag El-Din
• Impact of Islamic Modes of Finance on Monetary Expansion by Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi

Vol. 5, 1993
• Comments on A Qur'anic Model for a Universal Economic Theory by Masudul Alam Choudhury
• Comments on Towards Abolishing the Rate of Interest in Contemporary Islamic Societies by Ali F. Darrat
• Comments on Role of Booty in the Economy During the Prophet's Time by S. M. Hasanuzzaman
• Book Review Economic Development in Islam by Ahmed Saied Bamakhramah
• Central Banking in an Interest-Free Banking System by Hamid Zangeneh and Ahmad Salam
• Equilibrium in a Non-Interest Open Economy by Abbas Mirakhor

Vol. 6, 1994
• Comments on Role of Booty in the Economy During the Prophet's Time by Akram Diya' Al 'Umari
• Comments on Factors of Production and Factor Markets in Islamic Framework by Muhammad Akram Khan
• Book Review The Economics of Money and Banking: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Islamic Interest-Free Banking by Muhammed Nejatullah Siddiqi
• Comments on A Qur'anic Model for a Universal Economic Theory by Abul Hassan M. Sadiq
• Monetary Management in an Islamic Economy by Mohsin S. Khan and Abbas Mirakhor

Vol. 8, 1996
• Book Review Distribution in Macroeconomic Framework: An Islamic Perspective by Shamsher Ali
• Distribution of Profits in Islamic Banking: A Case Study of Faysal Islamic Bank of Sudan (FIBS) by El Tegani A. Ahmed
• Factors of Production and Factor Returns Under Political Economy of Islam, Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui
• Book Review Financial Engineering for Islamic Banks: The Option Approach by Sami Al-Suwailem
• Book Review The Islamic Voluntary Sector in Southeast Asia, Ausaf Ahmad
• On the Design of Interest-Free Instruments by Ali F. Darrat and M. Shahid Ebrahim
• Performance and Risk Analysis of the Islamic Banks: The Case of Bahrain Islamic Bank by Seref Turen
• Resource Mobilization Under the Islamic Profit-Loss-Sharing Scheme: A Note by Abdel-Hameed M. Bashair and Ali F. Darrat
• The Stock-Exchange from an Islamic Perspective by Seif I. Tag el-Din
• Book Review Theory and Practice of Islamic Development Cooperation by Abulhasan M. Sadeq

Vol. 9, 1997
• Book Review Development and Finance in Islam; Financing Economic Development: Islamic and Mainstream Approaches by Muhammed Shahid Ibrahim
• Conventional Growth Policy and The Forgotten Potential Resource: A Case for the Ethical Economic Resource by Seif El-Din Ibrahim Tag El-Din
• Comments on Central Banking in an Interest Free Banking System by Rodney Wilson
• Price Control in an Islamic Economy by Muhammad Lawal Ahmad Bashar
• Book Review An Introduction to Islamic Finance by Tariqullah Khan

Vol. 10, 1998
• A Comparative Study of Islamic Banking Practices by Sudin Haron
• Book Review Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah by Mohammed Hamid Abdallah
• Book Review Essays in Islamic Economic Analysis by Seif El Din I. Tag El Din
• Book Review MonetaryManagement In An Islamic Economy by Amir Kia
• Comments on Performance and Risk Analysis of Islamic Banks: The Case of Bahrain Islamic Bank by Imtiaz Uddin Ahmad
• Venture Capital: A Potential Model of Musharakah by Sami al-Suwailem

Vol. 11, 1999
• Book Review Arab Islamic Banking and the Renewal of Islamic Law by Mohammed Hashim Kamali
• Comments on Characterizing the Stock-Exchange from an Islamic Perspective by Mohammed Akacem
• Financial Options in Islamic Contracts: Potential Tools for Risk Management by Mohammed Obaidullah
• Place for an Expenditure Tax in the Islamic Fiscal System by Sayed Afzal Peerzade
• Book Review Teaching Economics in Islamic Perspective by Amir Kia

Vol. 12, 2000
• Comments on Characterizing the Stock-Exchange from an Islamic Perspective by Mohammed Obaidullah
• Book Review Economics, Ethics and Religion: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Economic Thought by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi
• Book Review Islamic Law of Business Organization: Partnerships by Mohammed Hashim Kamali
• Modeling Monetary Control in an Interest- Free Economy by Ali F. Darrat and Abdel-Hameed M. Bashir
• Regulation in the Islamic Political Economy: Comparative Perspectives by Masudul Alam Choudhury

Vol. 13, 2001
• Book Review The Economic Relevance of the Shaira Maxims (al Qawaid al Faqhiyah) by Shamsher Ali
• Comments on Conventional Growth Policy and the Forgotten Potential Resources: A Case for the Ethical Economic Resource by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi and Asghar Qadir
• A Suggested Methodology for the Political Economy of Islam by Shamim Ahmad Siddiqi
• Speculative Activities, Efficiency and Normative Stock Exchange by Amir Kia
• Venture Capital: A Potential Model of Musharakah by Amir Kia

Vol. 14, 2002
• Book Review Economics, Ethics and Religion: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Economic Thought by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi
• Reciprocal Loans by Rafic Yunes Al-Masri
• Reciprocal Loans by Saad Bin Hamdan Al-Lihyani
• Towards an Islamic Model of Stock Market by Seif el-Din I. Taj el-Din

Vol. 15, 2002
• Sharia Compatible Futures by Abdul Rahim Al-Saati
• The Binding Unilateral Promise (wa’d) in Islamic Banking Operations: Is it Permissible for a Unilateral Promise (wa’d) to be Binding as an Alternative to a Proscribed Contract? by Rafic Yunus Al-Masri

Vol. 16, No. 1, 2003
• Guaranteeing Investment Deposits in Islamic banking System by Muhammad Fahim Khan
• Islamization of Economics: The Concept and Methodology by Muhammad Anas Zarqa
• Book Review The Mediterranean Tradition in Economic Thought by Abdul Azim Islahi

Vol. 16, No. 2, 2003
• Market Price of Salam on the Date of Delivery: Is it Permissible? By Rafic Yunus Al-Masri
• Book Review The Islamic Gold Dinar by Mohammed Obaidullah
• The Permissible Gharar (Risk) in Classical Islamic Jurisprudence by Abdul-Rahim Al-Saati

Vol. 17, No. 1, 2004
• An EarlyWarning System for Islamic Banks Performance by Mahmood H. Al-Osaimy and Ahmed S. Bamakhramah
• Are All Forms of Interest Prohibited? By Rafic Yunus Al-Masri
• Book Review Islamic Banking and Finance: Theory and Practice by Mohammed Obaidullah
• Collateral (Al-Rahn) as Practiced by Muslim Funds of North India by Javed Ahmed Khan and Shariq Nisar

Vol. 17, No. 2, 2004
• Impact of Inflation on Mudarabah Profits: Some Observations by Hifzur Rab
• Zakah: Is it Imposable on Income or on Capital? by Rafic Yunus Al-Masri
• Zakah On Stocks: Some Unsettled Issues by Abdul Azim Islahi and Mohammed Obaidullah

Vol. 18, No. 1, 2005
• Comments on Zakah on Stocks: Some Unsettled Issues by Muhammad Akram Khan
• Book Review Economic Development in the Middle East by Abdelkader Chachi
• Islamic Economics and the Environment: Material Flow Analysis in Society-Nature Interrelationships by Abul Hassan
• On Islam’s Attitude towards Sustainable Development, A Comment on Islamic Economics and the Environment: Material Flow Analysis in Society-Nature Interrelationships by Saiyed F. Al-Khouli
• Towards Self-Enforcing Islamic Tax System: An Alternative to Current Approaches by Sayed Afzal Peerzade

Vol. 18, No. 2, 2005
• Book Review On the Experience of Islamic Agricultural Finance in Sudan: Challenges and Sustainability by Ahmed S. Bamakhramah.
• Origin and Development of Commercial and Islamic Banking Operations by Abdelkader Chachi
• Towards A New Paradigm for Economics by Asad Zaman
• Treatment of Consumption in Islamic Economics: An Appraisal by Zubair Hasan

Vol. 19, No. 1, 2006
• Sustainable Development from an Islamic Perspective: Meaning, Implications, and Policy Concerns by Zubair Hasan
• Must Money Be Limited to Only Gold and Silver?: A Survey of Fiqhi Opinions and Some Implications by Muhammad Aslam Haneef and Emad Rafiq Barakat
• Thirty Years of Islamic Banking:History, Performance and Prospects by Abdelkader Chachi

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2006
• Renting an Item to Who Sold It Is It Different from Bay' Al-Wafa' Contract? By Rafic Yunus Al-Masri
• Monetary Dynamics and Gold Dinar: An Empirical Perspective by Mansor H. Ibrahim
• A Panel Data Analysis of Fee Income Activities in Islamic Banks by Shahida bt. Shahimi, Abd. Ghafar b. Ismail, and Sanep b. Ahmad
• Book Review The Politics of Islamic Finance by Abdul Azim Islahi

Vol. 20, No. 1, 2007
• A Shari‘ah Analysis of Issues in Islamic Leasing by Mohammad Hashim Kamali
• Comments on Towards A New Paradigm for Economics by Mohammad Nejatullah Siddiqi
• Comments on Towards A New Paradigm for Economics by Seif el-Din Tag el-Din
• Comments on Towards A New Paradigm for Economics by M. Fahim Khan
• Response to Comments on Towards A New Paradigm for Economics by Asad Zaman
• A Comparative Study of Zakah and Modern Taxation by Nur Barizah Abu Bakar and Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman

Vol. 20, No. 2, 2007
• Stock Market Volatility Transmission in Malaysia: Islamic Versus Conventional Stock Market by Rosylin Mohd. Yusof and M. Shabri Abd. Majid
• A Survey on the Objective of the Firm and Models of Producer Behavior in the Islamic Framework by Selamah Abdullah Yusof and Ruzita Mohammad Amin
• Labour as a Source of Value and Capital Formation: Ibn Khaldun, Ricardo, and Marx – A Comparison by Zubair Hasan
• Book Review Contributions of Muslim Scholars to Economic Thought and Analysis (11-905 A.H./ 632-1500 A. D.) by M. Kabir Hassan

Vol. 21, No. 1, 2008
• A Critique of Ibn Khaldun’s Causality Concept by Masudul Alam Choudhury and Bayu Silvia
• The Myth of Bryson and Economic Thought in Islam by Abdul Azim Islahi
• Ensuring Exchange Rate Stability: Is Return to Gold (Dinar) Possible? By Zubair Hasan
• Islamic Marketing Ethics and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction in the Islamic Banking Industry by Abul Hassan, Abdelkader Chachi and Salma Abdul Latiff
• Book Review Introduction to Microeconomics: An Islamic Perspective by Wan Sulaiman Bin Wan Yusoff

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